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Hot Interviews

20-08-2015 By Bobfish We recently got together with Robert Ross Smith of Fenrir Games to talk about their new game, Dark Storm: Ascension which is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to attempt to fund the development. More
02-04-2014 By Bobfish With the arrival of this epic exploration of the Human condition, told through the analogue of the most divine of all creatures the majestic goat. We pinned down Coffee Stain's own Armin Ibrisagic and grilled him for all the intimate details. More
06-02-2014 By Bobfish First it was a distant dream of a sparkling, zombie infested future, then it was a game on the XBLA, then a staggering demand for a PC port brought it to our eager, hungry hands and eyes. More
19-12-2013 By Bobfish What happens when a mobile game dev jumps to the PC to play with the bigboy toys? That's a question that Wales Interactive were asking themselves not so very long ago. More
20-11-2013 By Fr33Lanc3r.007 I recently had the opportunity to talk with Dan Dimitrescu - one of the designers at KillHouse Games and the driving force behind the development of Door Kickers. More
15-10-2013 By NotoriousBSE Talking to Pavel Kulikov at Eurogamer Expo, Producer and the man behind Oculus Rift support for War Thunder, Pixel Judge delves deeper into the title; discuss the future of this upcoming title and the challenges on the way. More
03-10-2013 By NotoriousBSE You probably never heard of The Fullbright Company up until about six months ago. After all, they've only released one game, albeit they've individually worked on many. However, since releasing that game, their name has been banded around left, right and centre and for good reason too! More
25-04-2013 By Bis18marck70 The Sci-fi genre has seen many video games over the past decade. Some of these fill our hearts with delight until this very day, others are best forgotten. More
10-01-2013 By Apollo Hello everyone, it's Ben from Pixel Judge and today I've got the pleasure of speaking with Jamie Cheng from “Klei Entertainment”, the team behind Mark of the Ninja, Shank and Shank 2, Eets, the upcoming “Don't Starve”, and some other fun animated games across the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. More
23-11-2012 By JcDent Hey all the pretty readers out there! Remember FLT: Faster Than Light? Of course you do, because it’s an excellent game AND I wrote a review about it! Stuff like that just burns into your mind, much like a loved one’s embrace, only way more awesome! More