(Searching by tags only)
- Star Wars The Old Republic – F2P “Features” Announced
- SW: The Old Republic F2P Model Tweaked
- SWTOR Shader Improvement
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 1.5
- The Old Republic F2P Dated
- The Old Republic F2P Launches
- Video Game Awards 2012
- F2P Restrictions in The Old Republic Relaxed
- The Old Republic Content Update
- Rise of the Hutt Cartel
- Elderly Game, Organic PVP And Gay Wookies
- The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel
- The Old Republic Galactic Reputation
- The Old Republic – Relics of the Gree Event
- SWTOR – Making of Makeb
- State of The Old Republic
- Rise of the Hutt Cartel Release Date Revealed
- Rise Of The Old Republic
- SWTOR 2.0 Update Redesigns PVP
- A Wretched Update Of Scum And Villainy
- Rise of the Hutt Cartel Launch Trailer
- Why So Catty?
- Late Customisation
- SWTOR Nearly Doubles Monthly Revenue After Going F2P
- Prepare For A Nightmare
- Nightmare Guilds
- The Old EXP
- Knights of the Old Republic Celebrating Ten Years
- A Super-Secret Space Program From Bioware?
- Star Wars the Old Republic Starfighting Expansion Incoming
- What's in a Name? That Which we Call a Jedi...
- Vandalize Your Own Starfighter
- SW:TOR's Galactic Starfighter Expansion Now Free for Everyone
- STAR WARS The Old Republic – Knights of the Fallen Empire