Zombie of Duty Elite
After the first and second teasers that showed practically nothing Rebellion, the developers of Sniper Elite V2 (and "V1"), finally caved in and revealed their ultra secret project – Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army. This one takes a page straight out of Call of Duty zombie mode, with Germans, Russians and Americans teaming up to fight the hordes of the dead...just this one apparently has a campaign. The game/expansion/add-on is going to be available on 28th of February and you can pre-purchase it with a 20% discount on Steam now.
I know some of you have had it with all the zombie games but I personally am happy with it. As long as it's a good zombie game, of which there are very few (in my not so humble opinion), then I will be very happy little zombie slayer. What do you think? Leave your BRAAAAAAIN below.