Z-Day Enters Open Beta March 1
What? Oh, no no. Not DayZ. I'm talking about Z-DAY! You know, that zombie-themed total conversion mod for Far Cry 3? Oh you don't know? Well you should, because it's looking pretty cool!
Despite the oddly chosen title - so oddly chosen that the creators have decided to change the name sometime in the future due to massive internet confusion - the currently titled Z-DAY has more to do with Left 4 Dead than DayZ. Sure, there are zombies, but this is no open world survival game. Strangely, seeing as Far Cry 3 is all about open world and a little bit about survival too. But I digress. Again.
So then, what is Z-DAY all about? Well, judging from their ModDB page, the creators label it as a "fully fledged single player campaign playable through the Far Cry 3 Map Editor after installing mod and map files".
Across the 10-12 mission campaign, you'll be killing zombies, running away from zombies, sneaking around zombies, running over zombies with cars and other things you typically do when zombies invade your Far Cry 3 experience.
The mod is currently in alpha, but will release an open beta version come March 1. In the meantime, you can check out the various screenshots and videos on the official ModDB page, including this eight-minute gameplay footage I've embedded for you below.
Posted 03-02-2014, 01:47
Oh yeah, I'd go for co-op.
Posted 03-02-2014, 01:16
Yeah it definitely looks cool, but I hope they manage to fit in cooperative multiplayer or something down the line.
Posted 03-02-2014, 00:18
Looks cool, could be something actually worth checking out.