Will Wright Delivers Opinion on SimCity
There's a new trailer lurking for the upcoming SimCity, featuring none other than SimCity and Sims pioneer Will Wright talking with the Creative Director of the franchise's newest release, Ocean Quigley.
It's an odd interview, as it is supposed to be Will Wright interviewing Ocean Quigley, but it ends up more two colleagues and friends chatting enthusiastically about an upcoming game of theirs. Not that that's a bad thing, in fact their unwavering devotion to the title is really effective in making me want the game. The pair chats about the design decisions which went into the newest SimCity, as well as how each of them plays the game.
Wright seems to enjoying focusing on the individual Sims, which makes sense given his gaming history and credentials. Quigley also insisted during the talk that making the maps and playable area for this newest title smaller, was in fact a conscious design decision from the beginning.
This interview is like watching the old master (Wright) judge his young apprentice-turned-master (Quigley's) efforts with SimCity. After all, this is Wright's franchise, which first brought him prominence in the gaming world. It is interesting to see what he thinks of Ocean Quigley and the team's efforts with the new title, since Wright himself stopped working for Maxis (the company he co-founded) in 2009.
Aside from all that history, players and eager fans of the franchise can expect to see some lovely looking footage and interesting talks into what went on behind the development of SimCity, which releases 8th March.