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WildStar Warplots Look Even Wilder After DevSpeak

By Caraline_Nelson24-04-2014

If the charming task of gardening at your house or the pleasure of PvP in the arenas and battle grounds weren’t enough for you, don’t worry. WildStar has something else for you to try. 

40 on 40 PvP matches.

Yes, that’s right. You and your 39 closest friends now have 40 new vile enemies at your front door to conquer. Congratulations! Now you can collaborate to make a gargantuan stronghold that you defend as you attack the enemy’s, and then show off your skills as a party leader or as the demanding, tyrannical supreme overlord of your party.

Maybe, though, you’d just like to be the healer. Whatever your tactical title is, whether it be, ‘he who kisses my ouchies and gives me a lollipop’ or ‘she who wields the sword that there is no way she realistically could’, you’ll each play a vital role. So move out and prepare for battle.

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