WildStar Features Controls!
We've previously covered WildStar, what it is and what it isn't (what it isn't, is basically all those things that we didn't say that it is - get it?). The devs have now published a new video showing off some of the rad movement controls that are to be featured in the game, completely free of charge at launch or possibly even before launch. WildStar uses WASD for basic movement, SPACE for jumping (and double jumping! WOAH!), SHIFT for sprinting, and a whole slew of other completely insane things that are totally not normal for PC games released after Duke Nukem 3D!
Seriously though, watch the video. There might not be much useful info to get out of it, but it is done with a good amount of tongue-in-cheek humour. I always like to say, if a developer can't joke around about his own game, then what can he do? Well, I... suppose he can still make a good game, even without the humour. But still! Having a developer who knows what he's doing AND can joke around about his own game, is surely better!