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What's Up Next in Mortal Kombat: X?

By zethalee09-02-2015

With the release of the next installment of Mortal Kombat just over two months away, many are wondering how online play will shape up. As fighting games are chiefly about dueling it out online and progressing to a higher level of skill, it seems only natural that fans of Mortal Kombat and internet evisceration would wonder about such things NetherRealm Studios, primary developer behind the title, have taken time to give us a look at one of the ways that online play will be shaped, through a mode called "Faction Wars."

Depending on which character you're playing as, every action you take within Mortal Kombat will earn you "faction points," to be accumulated over a singular week in Faction Wars. This means that whether this is playing the story mode, progressing through challenges, or beating other players from other factions online, it's all going to add up to total faction points for the week. There's no word yet on what winning the war for the week will net players, but by ranking up within their faction, they can earn faction-specific rewards. It will be interesting to see how it plays out when the game releases on the 14th of April.

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