What is Heroes of Dragon Age? (Updated)

After EA registered the 'Heroes of Dragon Age' Domain on Friday, the rumours surrounding a new Dragon Age title have tripled. Add that to the already existing sub forum and you've got something tangible.
What it is? Well that we don't really know but a few things point towards a 'Social RPG' of some sort. After Dragon Age Legends, it wouldn't be the first game to use the series name to create a successor in name only but everything Dragon Age related is good enough to keep our eyes on.
Except Dragon Age II – let's pretend that didn't happen.
Update: EA has just annoucned that Heroes of Dragon Age will be a combat-focused free-to-play mobile spin-off set in the universe BioWare created with its series. How useless.
Posted 20-08-2013, 05:52
I really thought this was going to be another moba.....
Posted 19-08-2013, 19:37
This actually doesn't look all that bad to be fair
Posted 19-08-2013, 19:33
I won't be surprised. HoMM has already gone down that path, though with admittedly quite a decent mobile game.
Posted 19-08-2013, 19:26
A F2P Iphone game. Heroes of Electronic Arts...