What do Mirror’s Edge and EVE Have in Common?

A man...that's right a man...named Owen O'Brien.
Mr. O'Brien led development on the outstanding Mirror's Edges, one of the few EA published games that give the "Arts" in their "Electronic Arts" some credibility, and now he's going to be executive producing CCP's virtual reality dogfighting game set in the EVE universe titled Valkyrie.
"I worked with Owen for many years at DICE. His experience bringing Mirror's Edge to market will be invaluable as we work to make virtual reality an actual reality for gamers worldwide," said Sean Decker CCP's senior vice president of production.
"The opportunity to work with a focused, talented and passionate team at the forefront of game-changing technology is a dream scenario for me," said O'Brien. "But it's not just about the technology. This was a project born out of a genuine passion for gaming, and that shows in what the team has already achieved."
Neato burrito! Considering the "in the thick of the matters" feeling that Mirror's Edge so superbly pulled off I can imagine how well that would translate to a dogfighting game...IN SPACE!
Sound off below.
Posted 12-09-2013, 11:43
Mirror's EVE anyone?
I would be so down with parkouring my way across the hull of a Phoon!