"We're Working On It"
Thief is probably one of the most anticipated reboots in recent time. And that's not very surprising. There's always a reboot around the corner, but a lot of them are quite obvious cash-ins, with little to do with the original franchises they claim to belong to. There are a good few exceptions though. 2011's Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one of those exceptions. Here you have a game that's not only good by its own merits, but also a damn fine addition to the franchise. Seeing as the upcoming Thief comes from the same developer, I think it's safe to say that Eidos Montreal have developed a taste for this rebooting practice. Seeing as both these franchises are somewhat similar in the stealth/action oriented gameplay, I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to try and prevent Thief from being released.
In the embedded video above, you'll find producer Stéphane Roy and level designer Daniel Schmidt talking about their plans and ideas for the new Thief. There's not much specific info about the game, but they're basically saying that they are still working on a lot of stuff and will probably be doing so until late in the development. Schmidt in particular is very concerned about letting people know they're working hard on making the game both accessible to newcomers, as well as making the seasoned players feel appreciated, respected and challenged. There's little gameplay to be seen, but for what it's worth - if you're interested in the game at all - the video is only a single click away for your entertainment.
There's a general lack of specific information on Thief at the moment. This is probably due to the developers not having figured every idea out yet, and that they're trying their best to accommodate veterans and newbies alike. We also recently reported on some community interviews with game director Nic Cantin on the Focus ability, so if you're one worrying about whether the game will be too hard or too easy for you, you should definitely check these out too.