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We Got Blimps

By Bobfish02-07-2013

Are you excited yet? Doesn't everyone love hot air balloons? No? Seems like not even Maxis do, despite their claims to the contrary. The release trailer, shown above, is frankly embarrassing. The words are there, the obligatory buzz words, all of the 'wow! This is awesome!' words...delivered with all the enthusiasm of someone with scabies. There's even a "like, comment and subscribe" plea at the end.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Comments (5)
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Posts: 3290

How about removing the bloody DRM?

Y'know, something we actually want

Posts: 341

How about giving us big city sizes....oh wait "not possible"

Posts: 228

Man, fuck ballons and airships than don't crash. We have to make a cool city managament tycoon, with no casinos and airships that rain teargas upon the poor!

Posts: 3290

It's not useless from a gameplay perspective, I'll give them that. But as an update it's one of those colossal wtf moments.

"Everyone loves balloons"?

Uhm, what?

Posts: 1548

Ok, it's not as useless as I initially thought but its far from being as useful as this guy makes it out to be.