Watch Out, Watch Dogs!

Phew, that was a close one! Ubisoft experienced a case of irony in the past few days in regards to reports by IGN on the abandonment of the Watch Dogs trademark. This actually was true, but it wasn't. It wasn't even authorised by Ubi's CEO, Yves Guillemot, but it actually was. Ok I know, you're confused, let me elaborate, someone supposedly made the fraudulent request on the behalf of Mr Guillemot to abandon the trademark for whatever reason.
Of course, this is rather amusing due to the fact that you'll be doing quite a few fraudulent things in upcoming Watch Dogs, talk about viral marketing, eh? Anywho, once Ubisoft caught word of this, they immediately requested the United States Patent and Trademark Office to reverse the false request which is currently being cleared up. This should be restore the trademark for their usage in a few days. In a response to Joystiq about the story they replied with the following statement:
"We are working directly with the USPTO on reinstating the trademark for Watch Dogs and it will be active again in the coming days. The matter has no impact on the Watch Dogs' development."
Posted 05-02-2014, 16:45
Seems legit