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Wargame: AirLand Battle Commences!

By JcDent29-05-2013

Wargame: Airland Battle, a hardcore RTS about fictional Cold War battles in Scandinavia, is finally here!

While we and probably other press tracked it's every PR fart, the launch trailer sums the game up. Over 800 units (they should implement an achievement for losing one of each type) are here to be oggled at in the Amoury and taken to field in both dynamic campaign and multiplayer. Both of which I'm currently and unmistakenly losing, so I'll throw a bone and mention something that the press releases didn't - the AI doesn't mess around. Really. The campaign isn't easy, especially since you're using pre packaged armies - ones that sometimes posses very little in the means of anti air defense while the enemy is just loaded with heavily armored helicopter gunships.

Or you can try multiplayer, which goes all they way up to titanic 10 vs. 10 fights. Yes, it's as crazy as it sounds. But at least it looks pretty, even if you don't have the time to admire it up close!

So, are you ready for the fjord rumble?

Comments (5)
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Posts: 228

Hey, I've sunk more than 20 hours into it and the best I can do in MP matches is fight the enemy to a standstill!

Posts: 44

I bet you'll get a ton of hits on that.

Posts: 3290

That...you know what? Next time I play a strategy game, I'm going to concoct a batshit insane tactical plan, name it the Lobotomised Hedgehog manoeuvre, record it and post it on YouTube

Posts: 44

You're right, it does look pretty. However, given that I routinely exhibit the same capacity for strategic thought as a lobotomized hedgehog, I'm going to pass. I'll only humiliate myself. Again.

Posts: 3290

That is a LOT of images dude