Virtual Sleep Over With Hatsune Miku
It looks like our Japanese friends are finding some interesting new ways to use the Oculus Rift. Following on from the famous Miku Miku Akushu app, which allowed you to shake hands with Hatsune Miku, a new one has been created along the same vein. This new application will allow the user to, literally, sleep with Hatsune Miku. A virtual reality anime girl in your bed, sort of. The app is called Miku Miku Soine, a strange name, but apparently Soine is 'sleep together' in Japanese.
I would say that this is plain weird, but as it is from Japan then it is pretty much normal in context. I can see the advantages of a virtual girl in bed, but let us be honest. If us guys, or even some women, have a hot girl in their bed who wants to sleep with us, usually it's not just sleeping we have in mind. Give the Japanese time and I bet they will create something to give a virtual Full Girlfriend Experience. So let us hope that, being from the land of the rising sun, sleeping with this girl, the only thing that rises is the sun. Comments below, and keep it clean if possible.
Posted 07-10-2013, 19:05
Poor little xidio.
Posted 07-10-2013, 07:16
But she doesn't have a blanket. 3.5 at most
Posted 07-10-2013, 05:13
Jenssen will play it, rate it 4/5.
Posted 07-10-2013, 03:55
Oh god...
Posted 07-10-2013, 03:21
Is it weird that what really bothers the fact she doesn't have a blanket?
I mean dude! Have you ever heard of chivalry?!
Posted 06-10-2013, 20:17
All we need now is a new LSD simulator...
Posted 06-10-2013, 20:02