Uplay-Origin Partnership

Remember the crazy statement from Ubi that they could start selling third party games on Uplay store? Well that just happened. Uplay store got way more relevant in the digital distribution market by starting to offer games from Warner Bros., 1C, bitComposer, Bohemia Interactive, Encore Software, Focus Home Interactive, Freebird Games, Iceberg Interactive, Nordic Games, Paradox Interactive, Recoil Games, Robot Entertainment, Telltale Games, Torn Banner Studios AND Electronic Arts Origins "Exclusives". Overall Ubisoft store now has 130 games on offer which makes it another place to offer competition, which is always a good thing.
With all these new games on Uplay, Ubi is trying to push them by giving you promotional deals. You buy any game (pre-orders excluded) that is worth more than £16.99 and they will give you Driver San Francisco Deluxe Edition, From Dust, Might and Magic Heroes 6 Deluxe Edition, Rayman Origins, The Settlers 7 Gold Edition or World in Conflict: Complete Edition for free. Not the best deal in my opinion but they could do worse. Another, better, promotion is that you can redeem all AC3 and FC3 Uplay rewards for free during this time. All promotions end March 4th.
Furthermore Origin started to sell Ubisoft games. Previously EA kept games like Dead Space 3, MoH: Warfighter, Mass Effect 3 and the new SimCity as Origin "exclusives" which are now available on Ubi's store. So that must have been a "show me yours, I'll show you mine" kind of arrangement. And that is good.
This entire ordeal gives me hope that there will be less "exclusivity" and that we might get EA games back on Steam again. Maybe valve should offer Origin Half-Life and Left 4 Dead in return? I'm sure Half-Life 3 on Origin would seal the deal. What do you say?