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Unraveled From Post to Post

By Bobfish05-08-2015

Following the red string of fate through an entire life is no mean feat. Especially when you're a ball of yarn slowly unraveling yourself to do it. Which is where physics comes into play. Wee Yarny here, the protagonist of upcoming platformer Unravel, has quite a task ahead of him. He's literally using his own body to swing from pillar to post, build bridges and get to the other side. Like a chicken, but far more poetic.

The narrated video above doesn't show us a great deal, but it does tell us a lot. Both literally and figuratively. Cleary putting the emphasis on puzzle based platforming and demonstrating the basic feel of the game. Both in tone and raw gameplay. It's a really mellow, relaxed, but obviously challenging game that, I guarantee, will be all over YouTube with people showing off the cool and inventive solutions they find to some of the more obtuse, and porbably simplest, obstacles. Basically, Unravel is a game to keep a very close eye on.

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