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UDK Gets Oculus Rift Support in April

By NAG3LT26-03-2013

In a latest Kickstarter page update, developers have announced that UDK will have a native Oculus Rift support. Similar update will also be available for developers licensing full source UE3. Devs of OR have been working with Epic on the VR integration since the OR Kickstarter campaign. The OR-ready UDK will include the Epic Citadel demo.

Most interestingly, the specific UDK optimisations for Oculus support were mentioned:

- Added roll and z-depth to shaders

- Optimized low latency VR rendering - sensor update on the render thread, disabling GPU buffering and adding full scene super sampling (1.5-2x)

- Made UI and videoes work with head tracking and z-depth

- Players can now head-look during Matinee sequences

- Added console commands and config settings for all parameters

While UE3 is approaching the end of its life, such big support from Epic likely means similar level of VR support for UE4 as well. Future looks really bright for VR and Stereo-3D in games.

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Posts: 596

As I keep saying, and will keep saying. This kind of technology is nothing new and has been pushed since Quake 1... It didn't kick off then, it won't kick off now :P