“Two Hours to Learn”

You thought it was bad when Valve removed a semi-maze like portion in Half Life 2: Episode 2 because a playtest got stuck going in circles for a half hour? Apparently Electronic Arts' playtesters we're even worse. Which doesn't surprise me considering they are the same company that playtested Overstrike, a colorful game full of personality and humor that became FUSE, a generic brown and bloom shooter, which LITERAL 12-year-olds that said it "looked childish" because obviously 12-year-olds are the best indicator of what adults like and what is childish. I digress. The latest in EA's long saga of being completely disconnected from its supposed audience and possibly from reality itself, is a statement from EA's chief creative officer (Jesus, even that title makes him sound like a jackbooted thug trying to stomp out anything unique and fun) Richard Hilleman.
During an interview at D.I.C.E. Summit in Las Vegas. He stated "Our games are actually still too hard to learn. The average player probably spends two hours to learn how to play the most basic game." and then when asked about if more games will adopt RPG systems he stated "Every game is an RPG now. You wouldn't make a game without progression and levels and XP. And I think every game is going to be a social game...good ideas propagate."
So not only does EA think its players are a bunch of chimpanzees who need to be taught through sign language how to aim and fire in Battlefield, but that it's outright IMPOSSIBLE to make a game without token RPG systems and meaningless XP bullshit. You know, I remember playing DOOM, gradually becoming more and more powerful as the game progressed in a fluid and natural way and saying "hm, If only this game had some meaningless numbers outright telling me I'm progressing. That would certainly make this game a whole lot better." Also, EA, buddy, guy. Let me let you in on a little secret: Players aren't idiots. If Dwarf fucking Fortress can have an audience, surely your, already dumbed down, casual games will find an audience as well. Then again this is the same company who honestly thought Dungeon Keeper failed because it innovated too much and not because it was a soulless microtransaction-riddled cash-in on a beloved franchise.
Posted 12-02-2015, 16:26
Piss off!
My beard is much thicker
Posted 11-02-2015, 15:52
I thought he kind of looked like you, Bobfish! xD
Posted 10-02-2015, 17:00
And I can't be the only one who thinks he looks just like Lynch...