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Tribes: Sniper them auf Deutsch

By Bis18marck7013-09-2012

Hi-Rez keeps pumping out updates for Tribes: Ascend and this time several classes will benefit from this. The update will focus on the Sentinel who will receive a high-damage, low rate-of-fire rifle, a more accurate shotgun and Motion Mines that will soon be the bane of many high-speed cappers.

Besides that, the Soldier and Pathfinder will get some new Spinfuser goodness. The Soldier now has the option to equip said weapon as a secondary, making way for some deadly combos. I can already see hail of detonations one has the dodge now, in order to get anywhere on the field of battle. For those that like the Pathfinder, you will now have access to the new Blinkfuser. The current projectile speed rules do not apply for this weapon anymore, as the Blinkfuser uses a 100 percent of your movement speed and direction once you launch it at the general direction of your enemy. It will probably take some time getting used to but, as you won’t have to lead your target anymore, you should, in theory, be able to score hits easier.

Oh, and before I forget it; Tribes: Ascend is now available auf Deutsch. Ja, das habt ihr richtig gehört – endlich erklingt die schönste, poetisch und zivlilisierteste Sprache der Welt auf den virtuellen Schlachtfeldern von Tribes. Auf ins Getümmel!

For those that want to get a taste of the new update while the game downloads the files, here is the trailer and the patch notes. And before you swamp me with silly questions, No – that is not an actual Lederhosen and yes, the girl who can’t remember two simple lines, seems to be German. Don’t worry; we usually are more competent than that.

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