Trailer Out of the Styx
With major names in gaming like Thief getting a reboot this year, it is easy to overlook new IP's when they occupy the same genre. Styx: Master of Shadows is one such game. Developed by Cyanide Studios, Styx appears to be a more fantasy-esque take on Thiefs more down to earth approach.
The trailer mainly shows off the games graphics, which to be perfectly honest, looks a little bit generic. It utilises the familiar Unreal Engine, but the style does look slightly overdone. That being said, the gameplay, what little is on display, does look interesting. There seems to be an emphasis on your characters small size, and the scale of the levels.
With the slight resurgence in the stealh genre, Styx: Master of Shadows looks like a strong contender. Whilst there is no release date, it is safe to assume it will be out sooner rather than later.
Posted 13-02-2014, 22:18
Mars was Spiders. The people now working on Bound by Flame
Posted 13-02-2014, 20:34
I am hoping that Cyanide is going to make a good game. I am sure it will have a certain attraction (same like Mars) but will it finally good as well?
Posted 13-02-2014, 20:25
Need to see some more of this before I pass any judgement on it. It looks good, but do look very generic with the Unreal Engine.