Tools Tests Your PC, Character Making Skills

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn now has a benchmarking/character creation tool. It basically let's you tests if your PC can handle all the spiky hair and adrogynous chracters. And if I read the screenshots right, you can also Tweet/Facebook post the results, so that people would know about you being both a weeaboo and an unwittling pawn of corporate shills!
What the benchmarking tool also allows you to do is make your own character to be used instead of the default paladin that appears in the benchmark. Neat, I guess, and you can also save that character for use in beta, and maybe even the game proper!
That's is a very interesting tool for advertising: under the guise of checking your PC out, you get to see the promise of how your character would look decked out in high level gear, making you drool and shell out cash.