Tomb Raider Reboot Has PC Gamers In Mind
Brian Horton, the Art Director working on Tomb Raider, revealed some details during an interview with Edge, regarding the PC version, which will please those waiting with baited breath for the upcoming reboot.
“We spent a lot of time making sure that the standard here is good enough for someone who’s only ever experienced Tomb Raider on PC,” says Horton. “We have dedicated people making sure the PC game feels just like console ones, but at the same time takes the best advantage of the format. We’ll have things like being able to have higher-resolution textures— There’s a lot of details I can’t go into right now, but the PC version will definitely make those who have a powerful gaming PC very, very happy.”
Recent Square Enix titles, such as Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, were definitely given the loving attention PC gamers crave. They played great, looked great and had all of the bells and whistles that a lot of games released on console and PC lack.
Tomb Raider is scheduled for a March 2013 release.
Red the full interview over at Edge.
Posted 04-10-2012, 19:12
Well, if they do deliver on what they say... than SE/Eidos is one of my favorite devs! :D
Posted 04-10-2012, 19:09
Really looking forward to this. Was a huge fan of the first few games but it just seemed to have lost its way. I have Tomb Raider Legend on the Xbox, so may have to get my fill of the sexy Lara with that until March