Titanfall Prime
After their game was well received, Respawn Entertainment has been working fast to improve on it. The licensing deal must have been another reason for hurry and Xbox One players will handle the beta test. Today, on April 1st, the first DLC for Titnafall is released, introducing a new powerful transformer mech – Optimus Prime. As you can see in the trailer, it is a massive addition to your fighting power. With its powerful melee weapons and cloaking technology, you will dominate the battle. Finally, when every other option fails, you can transform into a truck and quickly run over the opposition. Megatron DLC is expected in the future.
After their game was well received, Respawn Entertainment have been working fast to improve on it. Today, on April 1st, the first DLC for Titnafall is released, introducing a new powerful transformer mech – Optimus Prime. As you can see in the trailer, it is a massive addition to your fighting power. With its powerful melee weapons and the cloaking technology, you will dominate the battle. Finally, when every other option fails, you can transform into a truck and quickly run over the opposition. Megatron DLC is expected in the future.
Posted 01-04-2014, 22:29
Damn, if this was april 1st I'd have thought it was a... waaaaaaaa------???
Posted 01-04-2014, 21:20
You and me both mate
Posted 01-04-2014, 21:10
Oh how I wish this was real :(