Time to Prep Your Go Bag

Ubisoft recently released some As in response to the community's Qs regarding their newest IP The Division. In that post, amongst many other interesting details, they revealed that they worked with "ex-CIA agents, the military, survivalists, doctors" in order to get the details just right in relation to the heavy emphasis on survival within The Division. Already Ubisoft are beginning to show their work.
On The Division blog Ubi have put up a post entirely dedicated to one key aspect of the Prepper's life style-the 'Go Bag' or the 'Bug-Out bag'. For those that don't know, Preppers are people who prepare for the end of the world, whatever form that may take (if it happens at all). They do their utmost to stock up on supplies and teach themselves skills that would help make them self-sufficient should such an occasion arise that they need to be. A Prepper's 'Go Bag' contains only the bare essentials that they would need to take with them if they had to make a hasty exit into a possible, chaotic, new world. The blog post covers some of the core components of a good Go Bag, such as medical kits and flint strikes as well as a few points on mobility and supplies to keep up morale. You can read the whole thing here and you can also let Ubisoft know what you keep in YOUR Go Bag.