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THQ May Develop For Linux

By Merc17-12-2012

THQ recently had success when they had a humble bundle that actually helped the struggling company; you can check out that article here.

What a fantastic deal that actually was and some really wonderful games to boot. THQ ended up making about 5 million dollars, and their stock rose by 40%. Well someone asked Jason Rubin via Twitter (the current President of THQ) why they don’t develop for Linux. His response was

“Got the Linux message loud and clear via #HumbleBundle feedback. Evaluating the cost/ benefit ratio as we speak.”

While that is not a confirmation, it is at least a hopeful outlook on the possibility.

With the success of THQ’s humble bundle, developers need to take note that there is success in other places rather than just huge blockbusters. Not only that, but this should raise many questions on how to sell their games. 60 dollars is simply too much for some games, and a lower price point might make the difference. These are some interesting developments for the video game industry. We will see what happens, but it could turn out really well for consumers and developers/publishers.


Linux  THQ 
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Posts: 3290

The way I see it. Anything that keeps THQ making games is good by me

Posts: 20

I think that Linux support for their games would be highly beneficial to THQ. With Valve making Steam for Linux, and possibly their console-PC running on it, having that support early could be a big plus for THQ.