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The Terror from EA Never Ends

By Bobfish08-03-2013

The Awakened DLC for Dead Space 3 is on our doorsteps, due to slither its way into our living rooms and massacre us all in the dignity. And I'm still not sure if that's because it promises to be brutally terrifying, or if it's the shame of still buying stuff from EA. But who knows, mayhap they'll go some way to winning some of us over with Awakened. I must admit, what little the above trailer shows, including a moment of slapstick comedy, emphasis on the slap, does look quite promising. Some kind of super necromorph with fully developed mental faculties. That's maybe not surprising or remotely unexpected, except for the fact it took until now for us to see one, but a pretty darned good idea all the same. It's a logical progression of the narrative. There's also a pretty lengthy interview with Producer Shereif Fattouh, conducted by our colleagues over at Joystiq that you might want to check out. He speaks quite optimistically about it, but be warned, there are spoilers, which is why I'm only putting an excerpt of the salient points here. If you want to head on over and read the full thing, don't say I didn't warn you. But what do y'all think? Comments below.

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