The Storm is Rising Tomorrow
Well, talk about short notice! The invasion starts in one day. A bit out of the blue, but you know how military engagements are. You have to strike when you have the chance. And Tripwire are striking with the Rising Storm, well, tomorrow. That should be obvious by now. The announcement, literally, just happened. I guess they're as impatient as we are.
Better yet, if you're quick of the mark (within the next 28 hours at time of writing) you can snag this little gem at 15% off over on Steam. Though, if you didn't know that, you're probably clinically brain dead, 'cause it's written on the image above. In fact, why are you even bothering to read this? All I'm doing is using three hundred words to reiterate what Tripwire have already said in 12 (14 if you count to two numbers) so yeah, go, shoo. Go invade Steam.
Posted 02-06-2013, 02:25
"So much better than ro2" in what way jenssen?
Fewer maps.
Same weapons pretty much.
Pretty much same skins too but diff faces for the asians.
Did they replace the online campaign map yet so its not soviet vs nazis?
Posted 30-05-2013, 12:21
I agree Merc. It's awesome. So much better than Red Orchestra 2, too. Both sides are fun, and offer unique styles of play. It's really quite fascinating just how competitive they've made the Japanese, despite only having bolt-action rifles and a few SMGs.
Posted 30-05-2013, 11:08
If only I didn't have exams coming up.
Posted 29-05-2013, 21:58
You should all buy this game and play it all the time. Why you may be asking? Cause it is WONDERFUL!
Posted 29-05-2013, 21:25
Yeay! I was waiting for this! :D
Posted 29-05-2013, 19:06
Hey man, a good journalist does research! Bitch!
Posted 29-05-2013, 19:03
Show off
Posted 29-05-2013, 18:18
Actually, those who own Red Orchestra 2 get a 40% discount for Rising Storm.