The Stick of Launch
South Park The Stick of Truth is out on PC, Xbox360, and PS3 in the States. Just a couple more days till it's released in the UK. To celebrate the launch, Obsidian and Ubisoft have released the launch trailer for the game. Above is the launch trailer for the UK release. The characters seem to be into Live-Action-Role-Playing (LARPing) while getting into shenanigans involving aliens.
The trailer looks like an epic movie trailer instead of the game, I'm so happy they kept the art style of the original television animation. I feel the essence of what fans love about South Park is still present in the Stick of Truth. Even though the European version of the game is censored, the PC version in the UK will not be censored. Yay (?)
Despite having a terrible PlayStation game a lifetime ago, The Stick of Truth looks promising. It's already getting positive reviews from various sites.