The Spell Ends October

Nordic Games has some good and bad news for fans of Spellforce 2. October 24th is the release of the stand alone add-on, Demons of the Past, which will be the last of its kind. This is the final part in the series, which saw the combination of RTS and RPG elements and gave players the Spellforce universe. The final part will see the fate of Eo resting in the players' hand.
The concluding part of the series will offer gamers five new maps for a combined eight in total. There will be new and familiar faces along the way. Nordic Games released this statement:
"Demons Of The Past is the final add-on for SpellForce 2. We've gone all-out to ensure it'll be a fulfilling and conclusive end to the ever-popular series. The compelling story will make players want to fight to save the world of Eo from evil," said Gennaro Giani, Localization and Production Manager at Nordic Games and also Nordic's first internally bred SpellForce nerd. "Fans of the SpellForce series are amongst the most involved and motivated. With the new content we've tried to make sure it has exactly that unique and magic SpellForce feel to it."
SpellForce 2: Demons of the Past is will release on October 24th for PC, priced USD/EUR 19.99, GBP 17.99. And apparently they are working on a third title, so fans let us know what you think.
Posted 24-09-2013, 20:02
I think the fact that this game is still getting content caught everyone by surprise.