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The Sims 3 Is the Worst Dating Simulator Ever

By drcoolio34504-05-2014

Falling in love in video games these days isn't necessarily rare. There have been games about falling in love with pigeons, aliens, family members, and everything in-between, but apparently one game of Sims 3 wanted to take a different approach to love that include more burning and dying than most people are used to seeing in their love lives. 

One gamer that goes by the name NeverNotKicking has combined the flirtation skills of Robert Downey Jr. and the pyromaniac tendencies of Mr. T to achieve his Sim's life dream that included "MARRYING A RICH WOMAN THEN KILLING HER TO GET HER MONEY," according to his description on the youtube video. He was able to start the game, meet a girl, marry her, and then quickly end her life in a horrible fire, all under 4 minutes. Congrats, NeverNotKicking, if only we all had the skills (and preferably a little less murderous intent) that you have.

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