The Prophet Cometh
In this final episode of the 7 wonders of Crysis 3, we're treated to yet more philosophising and all around badassery from the dead man walking. Clocking in at just short of five minutes, this latest entry doesn't show a whole hell of a lot of new stuff honestly. But it's clearly not intended to. It's a recap of everything that came before, with a little snippet, here and there, of new stuff if you look closely enough. Such as the ability to electrocute enemies standing in water with some kind of electrically charged bolts from the bow. All in all, not a bad little video, but nothing to write home about either. Though I would still recommend seeing it, if for nothing other than the bizarre ending sequence of Prophet drifting through empty space. I swear, I expected the 2001 theme to start booming out at me the entire time. Go check it out, then join us in the comment below.