The New Humble Bundle With...Books?
You have to give it to those madmen running the Humble Bundle, they sure know how to keep these bundles interesting. Not content with pioneering the idea of the indie game bundle, they've gone on to do several exciting game bundles, an incredible music bundle, and now...ebooks!
They've pulled out all the stops as well, with some great fiction from Neil Gaiman, who should need no introduction, and Cory Doctorow, whose unique imminent future take on science fiction gripped me after he gave away his book "For the Win", a book that creates likeable protagonists from the greatest annoyances of MMO players: the gold farmers. In addition, the bundle contains Lauren Beukes' "Zoo City", which I've been aching to read. If that's any indication of the quality of the books within, there is a lot to like here. My only gripe with the bundle is that there are a few titles that are the first in the series of titles, but that's generally negated by the fact that you can pay whatever you want for the bundle.
As usual, part of the proceeds will go to various charities, with the usual Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play charities present, as well as the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America this time. It's a brilliant move, and along with their selections for fiction, games, and music, the Humble Bundle founders have consistently proved themselves to be intelligent people savvy on the world of tech culture. Personally, it's what keeps me coming back to support them, even when I generally own 90% of the titles on display.
Hit up the Humble Bundle site to get more info on the books, and read a sample of what they have to offer.