The Lure of Infinite Bacon
So Life is Strange has a time travel mechanic. And it's a lot like the one in the first (good) film in The Butterfly Effect series, only over much shorter periods. So, like a cross between that and The Sands of Time. But there's a problem. Max, the protagonist, keeps items that she picks up. So you can't, for example, eat your morning bacon, rewind time, and eat it again.
On the other hand, as the above dev diary explains, developer DONTNOD put a lot, and I mean a lot, of effort into making the time shifting mechanic feel powerful. Deliberate choices such as watching time unfurl in reverse, with two versions of the events super imposed over each other, a nifty burn mask creeping in around the edges and some sounds of, ah, not being all that comfortable, from Max if you push too far. All of which comes together to, as they say themselves, make it all gloriously pretentious.
In all the right ways.
And with the first episode set to release in only four days, come January 30th, I am officially...GIVE ME THE DAMN GAME ALREADY. I mean, it looks okay, yeah. Totes got away with it.