The Long Road to SimCity Offline

SimCity (just SimCity, because numbers scare casuals) came out and wasn't that good. Didn't even live up to SimCity 4 (eek! A number! 2Spooky4me), but it added new things, like the hated online mode... and that's basically it. Despite numerous cries for both single player and bigger cities (everybody gave up hoping that this would ever be something more than SimCity Societies+), Maxis said, time and time again, that it's impossible. Well, now, a year after the fact, it became possible through the miracle of PR bullshitting.
Well, HERE is the promised post detailing work done to make SimCity playable offline. Now, I'm no computer expert, but the whole thing about "rewriting parts of the game" would be a lot easier if you had first built a game that works offline and then added the online features. Maybe. I'm just an internet critic, I can only say that hyping the game as some sort of massive online urban landscaping orgy was detrimental from the get go.
Also, nice job at shooting down one modder's achievement in making the game playable offline by talking about the problems that version had. I wonder if they remember the problems the main game had at launch. You know, the problems they tried to fix and failed horribly.
Posted 16-01-2014, 16:15
This update will probably give me a reason to buy the game now, as the DRM really put me off buying it.