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The Force Works in Mysterious Ways

By Bobfish17-04-2015

It seems that the official Battlefront 3 website made a bit of a boo-boo over the last couple days, with the source code for their website giving away some tidbits that were not supposed to be revealed until later today. Namely, the game's release date. It was brought to our attention by our colleagues at AllGamesBeta, but we have been unable to confirm precisely where this news came from, or if it is genuine, so take it with a pinch of salt. But the date, November 17th, seems to fit. There was also a short teaser dug up from somewhere which is, honestly, rather less interesting.

Being as the video has a high probability of being taken down, licensing and all that, I'll give a quick summation and assure you you're not missing much. It shows a short scene with speeder bikes, see the screencap below, jetting through a forest (probably Endor) environment, followed by a very brief shot of an AT-AT firing off a few pot shots, and all of it is clearly pre-rendered so, eh, go watch Return of the Jedi and you'll know all you need to know.

Other than that, keep your eyes peeled on the strem coming up in just a few short hours.

And may the Force be with you.

Edit: The date has now been confirmed via The Big Story. Along with some other, choice details such as Darth Vader as a playable character, 40 person servers and some of the locales included will be Endor, Hoth, Tatooine and the Sullustan Homeworld. There will also be a free expansion made available two weeks before theatrical release of The Force Awakens, set thirty years prior, it depicts the events of the "Battle of Jakku" which is to be referneced in the film, has already been seen in some teasers, and the aftermath of which will be shown during Han and Chewie's triumphant return to form.

Exciting stuff. Almost enough, almost, to get me excited again after the last time.

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