The Edge of the Future is DICE

One thing is certain; EA is keeping DICE very busy! In a recent interview by the Official Xbox 360 Magazine, EA has revealed some insights regarding their plan for DICE. Not only is DICE working on Battlefield 4, which is due out sometime early 2014, DICE is also working on the F2P Command and Conquer RTS game and Battlefield 3 DLCs. If that is not enough, the 300-man team of the Stockholm based studio is also assisting BioWare on Dragon Age 3 and the new Mass Effect game(s). Furthermore, they are also working with EA Gothenburg and Criterion Games on a future Need for Speed project.
One would think that DICE would have their hands full with all that, but they would be wrong! It has also been tweeted by Ben Cousins (a former Battlefield producer) that Mirror’s Edge 2 is in production at DICE! This is great news of course for fans of Mirror’s Edge, especially considering that just a year ago EA had stated that they were not planning on ever making another Mirror’s Edge.
Is DICE being given too many projects to work on at once? Are you excited for Mirror’s Edge 2? Share your insightful comments below.
Posted 22-11-2012, 14:48
Yeah, it doesn't really surprise me though that EA is trying to get the most out of the Frostbite 2 engine, it would be a bit silly to make new engines for different franchises/IP when they already have such an amazing engine on BF3. I'm really curious to see though what DICE can do in all these different genres and especially curious to see how the Frostbite 2 engine influences the EA games that are being made it on it. Mass Effect has always suffered on the PC, Frostbite 2 might rectify this issue.
Posted 22-11-2012, 03:50
I hope they are not stretched to far, but man I love BF. Frostbite 2 is amazing.