The DayJ

The highly anticipated DayZ standalone will be entering Alpha in June, probably. Quite a way away still it seems. But wait, that's not all. It won't even be a true Alpha until some, indeterminate, time after even that. Dean Hall, the mod creator, spoke briefly to our colleagues at about this recently.
"We're going to review the situation in June. So there'll be no release between now and June. And we're quite hopeful that we'll go then. I know that people get really frustrated because they want to play, but I just think this is the best option. We want to release the keys in chunks of what we have servers available. The idea is to very, very quickly try to release something out there, because that allows us to start capacity testing. We've got one final thing we're waiting for with the release date, which is the completion of our client-server architecture. It's basically making the game into an MMO, and pretty much the moment that's done, we'll release."
Not exactly the best news we've heard all day. Many of us are already feeling the strain of waiting. But on the other hand, it's good knowing that the commitment is there to ensure everything is perfect, rather than throwing it at us now, like a certain other, unnamed, Z titled based zombie game. So take a deep breath, stay calm, and take a bit out of our comments section to satiate your hankering for munching bwainz.
Posted 24-03-2013, 19:46
The main thing they need to work on is the system for how players interact with each other. That is perhaps one of the biggest issues with the WarZ and don't know how it is dealt with in the mod though?
Posted 24-03-2013, 16:30
Just hope for no more delays
Posted 22-03-2013, 21:23
In that case June can't soon enough.