The Crew – Developer Gameplay Walkthrough
So on this video you will be amazed and want to buy our game. We love cars, leather, steering wheels and everything about a car. So please wear safety when making love to our precious cars! E3 jokes aside, The Crew is holding a lot of promise and we will discuss some of the details revealed in the latest gameplay walkthrough.
The first thing we can see from this video is some of the graphics and racing mechanics that will be featured in the game. While they did not go into depth yet in all the mechanics, we do get a brief overview of some of the key features. Similar to the weapon customisation mechanic of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, The Crew will allow players to completely dissemble their car and customise every single part of it. It will be really awesome to play around with this mechanic and it also opens the possibility for each and every player on the multiplayer to have their own unique vehicle that they have spent hours customising and perfecting.
Once the customisation was briefly teased, we get to see how exactly the game will work, at least in terms of multiplayer. Firstly, players will simply be able to jump right into the game world and instantly join up with their friends and other players. Once this has been done, players can cooperate to achieve objectives together and gain experience, money and even a random car. Once they achieve the cooperative objective together, him and his crew jumped into a multiplayer competitive race. There is a drive for Crew players to cooperate as the better the Crew finishes together, the more experience all members get. In addition, there is also a competitive element here, where the game will show the members of the same crew how their friends did in that race and will award bonuses based on their results.
The gameplay walkthrough finishes off by showing how players will be able to race across a massive open world through breathtaking landscapes and will always be able to further compete and cooperate in order to build up their Crew. The Crew will launch sometime in Q1 of 2014 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and will also feature a Limited Edition that provides players with the 2013 Ford Shelby GT 500 DLC Pack. It includes a full set of custom parts, advanced performance parts, as well as an exclusive community car pattern sticker and 10 000 Crew Credits. This pack also offers exclusive access to the 2013 Ford Shelby GT 500. This pack might also be offered later though as a purchasable DLC.
Posted 25-08-2013, 21:42
I cant wait to see how it plays at home. It still amazes me how they mapped the entire US for this game
Posted 25-08-2013, 17:18
Eh, it was just the first phrase that came to mind. I wanted to be more cerebral than "driving game".
Thinking about it though. It isn't just LIKE a driving MMO. It IS a driving MMO
Posted 25-08-2013, 15:45
Doesn't look very much like simulator, no.
Posted 25-08-2013, 00:03
Not sure this is a car sim though. By the looks of the driving and dev walkthroughs it will be a very arcade driving experience, more towards fun and not so much towards authentic car handling. Though I could be totally wrong of course, but this is just what I am getting from all the game videos and walkthroughs. If this is not so, then the developers and videos are seriously misdirecting us with their marketing stuff.
Really curious to see how the MMO part plays out, as Bobfish says. There has been previous driving MMOs though, such as NFS Online, but it was really bad. Not just in the gameplay and MMO implementation but even in the way the cars handle... simply horrid gameplay!
This however looks very fun and the multiplayer part while very MMO-ish, the game can be played completely alone (but still online it seems)
Posted 23-08-2013, 21:20
It's like a driving MMO
Posted 23-08-2013, 21:19
I'm not usually big on car sims, but this one looks really damn nice. It's the online aspect. Something else I'm not usually big on, but the way they implemented it is just so damned compelling
Posted 23-08-2013, 20:45
This is another driving game which I am looking forward to when it comes out, it looks like that the PC could be getting a awesome driving game.