Telltale announces Minecraft: Story Mode (No, Really)

You know what? Minecraft is too loaded down. We need a story focused game that is Minecraft without building, crafting, or really anything that makes Minecraft... Minecraft. Yeah, that's what I want. OH WAIT TELLTALE ALREADY JUST ANNOUNCED THAT, THANK GOD. Minecraft: Story Mode will be a series of episodic games in the tried and true Telltale fashion of games like The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Tales from The Borderlands. This game will likely stand alongside such games as Home Improvement: The Game in the hall of "I know you CAN make a game out of it, but why?"
You know, Telltale, we need to have a talk. I know that if something is popular enough, you'll make your patented semi-point-and-click-but-not-really-because-there's-very-little-actual-interactivity genre of game out of it, but really? One for MINECRAFT? I mean it was a bit silly when you made one out of Borderlands, which was Borderlands without shooting and looting, but this is just plain Minecraft without Minecraft. You take that out and what do you have left? Some really crappy art assets and a terrible game engine.
Posted 19-12-2014, 18:22
I played, and enjoyed, Farming Simulator 15. This ain't shit in comparison
Posted 19-12-2014, 16:15
lol what?