Styx: Master of Sequels
Hey, you remember that odd little video suggesting there would be some kind of Christmas themed continuation of Styx: Master of Shadows? Y'know, the one that never seemed to actually turn into anything. Well, it wasn't just pissing in the wind, there's a full blown sequel on the way. Having been in development for six months already, Cyanide now have a rather tasty, solitary screenshot to whet out appetites. Along with word on several new features to enhance Styx's repertoire of skills. Not least among them being a move to Unreal 4.
Yeah, that's an in game shot up there.
Adding to his bag of tricks however, the little green gobshite will now be able to grapple around corners, climb ropes (no more hunting for handholds in the wall) and use his daggar as a zip-wire. Uhm, very little of which I actually expect to be much use since he's picking a fight with the Dark Elves this time around. But hey, every little helps eh?
I guess we'll find out soon. No concrete window as yet, but release is projected for some time in 2016. That's a short development cycle there guys. But judging from how well they did with the first game, I have little doubt they'll deliver.
Posted 16-10-2015, 16:38
There just so happens to be a linked review :p
Also yes, yes it is
Posted 15-10-2015, 18:26
Still working the backlog to get to play the first one. Is this the same goblin from "Of Orcs and Men" (which I also still haven't played), or are they unrelated games?