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Steam Replacing Windows Live for Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

By drcoolio34516-12-2014

We wrote about this a while back, but the date is finally here and action is required if you want to keep your progress in Dark Souls.

Steam has finally replaced Games for Windows Live in supporting Dark Souls! Praise the sun! That means no more annoying log ins before you can play the game, no more dependency on Windows Live, a whole new roster of achievements from Steam, plus you get to keep your beloved characters, data, and progress.

You can find the full announcement on Steam here, but to save you those important seconds of yours, here are the instructions:

"For users who purchased a Game for Windows live version from Steam:
1) Launch the game and connect to Games for Windows Live.
2) Run the game (only the currently signed-on user's progress can be transferred to Steam).
3) Close Games for Windows Live
4) Right click on your game in the Steam Library, go into Properties, check that the BETA tab is set to "dsptde-2.0-"
5) Launch Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition v2.0 from Steam
6) Sign in using the same live profile used in step-2 to import your Save Data and Achievements from the Games for Windows Live version to the Steam version for the same profile (gamertag)
7) The game will look for previous Save Data and Achievements. If they are detected on your computer, you should be able to continue your progress in the game and achievements should be unlocked in Steam. "

"For users who purchased a Game for Windows live version from a retailer (Disc) or Games for Windows Live Marketplace (Digital):
1) We recommend that you add Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die to your Steam account using your serial
2) Launch the game and connect to Games for Windows Live.
3) Run the game (only the currently signed-in user's Save Data and Achievements can be transferred to Steam).
4) Close the Game.
5) Right click on your game in the Steam Library, go into Properties, check that the BETA tab is set to "dsptde-2.0-"
6) Launch Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition v2.0 from Steam
7) The game will look for previous Save Data and Achievements. If Save Data and Achievements are detected on your computer, you should be able to continue your progress in the game. Achievements should be unlocked in Steam. "

Or if you were thinking about the Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition as a holiday gift here's what you have to do:

"For users who purchase Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition between December 15th and February 16th:
1) Once the game is downloaded, right click on your game in the Steam library, go into properties, check that the BETA tab is set to "dsptde-2.0-"
2) Launch Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition v2.0 from Steam."

Just follow the directions, install DSmfix (optional but important), and you'll be slaying hollows and hunting gods better than ever. Any time after February 16th players will be able to simply buy the game and launch it like any other game on Steam, but until then a little work is required. Happy holidays and don't forget to praise the sun.

Comments (3)
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Posts: 3290

But I want my 1000gs

Posts: 2

Whatever will players do without Games for Windows Live to ruin our experience?! Dark Souls ruined, we can all go home now I guess.

Posts: 3290

But...what if I actually i]want[/i] to use Games for Windows Live? Some of us want that 1000gs still you know?