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Starbreeze Announces Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

By Leigh Cobb28-09-2012

Starbreeze's new project, P13, which we mentioned before, has been officially unveiled in the form of a short teaser trailer. Called 'Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons', this new title from the creators of The Darkness and Escape From Butcher Bay looks to be a little different in tone from those last efforts. Of course they also made The Syndicate reboot recently, but I'm sure they will appreciate it if we mention that particular disaster.

"A man, clinging to life. His two sons, desperate to cure their ailing father, are left with but one option. They must set out upon a journey to find and bring back the "Water of Life" as they come to rely on one another to survive. One must be strong where the other is weak, brave where the other is fearful, they must be... Brothers."

This certainly sounds interesting to me! I'm guessing from the whole 'Brother' thing that the game will feature some kind of co-op emphasis. Then again I could be completely wrong on that and just be making a fool of myself. The art style reminds of Fable, but perhaps not as jolly. Maybe that's just the foreboding music in the trailer that makes it seem somewhat darker.

They are aiming for a Spring 2013 release on Steam, XBLA and PSN, so we've got a little while to wait. We'll keep you updated if we recieve new info.

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