Star Wars Battlefront – The Battle Of Jakku

Star Wars Battlefront is a long overdue sequel, but it's apparently trying to be a kind of prequel too – the newly revealed Battle of Jakku content will be presented in the form of two maps set on the planet of Jakku which will feature in the new movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Timeline wise, it takes place after the Battle of Endor and about 30 years before The Force Awakens. At least one of the two maps will feature a crashed Star Destroyer, with the Imperials attempting to fight off Rebel troops at the crash site.
Star War Battlefront will be releasing on November 17th in the US and 19th in Europe on all platforms. If you pre-order the game you get access to the Battle of Jakku content ahead of other players who will get it on December 8th. If you want to pre-order you can find more info here.