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Sony: Gaikai May Deliver Content to Others

By acharris7726-09-2013

President of Sony Computer Entertainment World Wide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, said he hopes to have Gaikai deliver PlayStation software to other devices. Yoshida hopes to transform the PlayStation from a hardware platform to more of a service. This is a very bold move reaching out to other platforms beyond Sony products.

Sony acquired Gaikai from former head of Shiny Entertainment and Gaikai founder, Dave Perry back in 2012. The plan has been to use the streaming service, so that PS4 owners can still play the classic PS1, PS2, PS3 titles. Now Sony are looking to stream these titles to non-Sony devices and other platforms including the PC. Shuhei Yoshida had this to say in an interview:

"Speaking of the ultimate goal, we would like to deliver PlayStation games to all devices, so we're considering various things like PC, TVs, Blu-ray players, smartphones, and tablets."

I think that this is very good news for us as PC gamers. We could finally get the chance to play some great titles, which were previously PlayStation exclusives. As normal let us know below if you think this is good news or not.


Comments (2)
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Posts: 297

I'll remain skeptical for the time being, this sound still too vague to me.

Posts: 3290

If Sony do this, and I mean really do this, not some half-assed shit like Microsoft did with their...whatever the hell that was. First of all "lulz, piracy will bankrupt them" and seriously, this will score them some massive brownie points. Just think of all those Sony exclusives that are actually worth playing. I don't mean that Uncharted and The Last of Us shit, but *casual stretch* The Last Guardian anyone?

I might even think about forgiving them for taking so fucking long to publish it. It was supposed to be a PlayStation 3 LAUNCH title!