SimCity Roads And Density Crash Course
Ross Treyz, gameplay balance designer for SimCity demonstrates in a new tutorial video how to effectively use roads to help develop your city density. He covers with in-game footage of low-density dirt roads, then high density roads, while mentioning where each is best suited.
For those unfamiliar with SimCity, it is a city simulation game franchise which has seen multiple releases since its original in 1989. The latest release (dubbed simply SimCity) has built on its predecessors mechanics, while adding updated graphics and much more graphic detail of your cities' people. SimCity will require an always-on connection to the internet in order to play it and is already in trouble.
Posted 07-03-2013, 16:25
@Leigh if it works...
Posted 07-03-2013, 14:52
Damn, why does the UK release have to be behind the rest of the world! You'd think digital downloads could unlock on the same day. Can't wait for friday.