SimCity of Tomorrow?
Imagine your a better SimCity game! Sadly this is not how the trailer for this expansion pack for the much maligned urban planning simulator SimCity begins. What little we can glean from the video seems to suggest it's mostly a visual change, with buildings assuming crazy future like forms. It seems that thematically, it can be split in two: crazy shapes and neon lights for the low class industry cities or white panels, arcologies and gardens for a green city run by the rich. Truly the future holds no place for the middle class. And commenters are already harping in about the expansion not bringing stuff they want, for example, bigger cities. Oh well, that's EA for you.
Posted 21-09-2013, 23:04
EA doing something we actually want?
Not gonna' happen
Posted 21-09-2013, 20:57
How about expanding the city regions......................................
They should rename it to SimTowns instead.
Posted 21-09-2013, 14:31
This original game had so many bugs which was a shame as I like the SimCity games and was looking forward to this one, but the reviews and bugs put me off so I never bought it. EA did a right mess with this.