SimCity and Oral-B Join Forces to Make Money

Do you like advertising? No? Well, do you like SimCity? Probably not? Eh, well here's an advertising and gaming crossover featuring SimCity, where you can unlock in game content by buying toothpaste! Wait, what?
That's right, the unscrupulous peope over at Oral-B are giving away codes to unlock the 'Attractions Set' for SimCity only in the US, on specially marked Oral-B products. Either the company is looking to make a quick buck, or they seriously care about the hygiene and condition of teeth of US gamers. Either way, welcome to the future people. Oh, and please note that in the official EA/Oral-B link above, that copies of SimCity are next to the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. I give them 4/10 for effort, unless those are subtle hints that the mediocre City Sim is making its way to those platforms, who knows.
But let's look at what you get for buying some toothpaste: the Attractions Set, offering five tourist buildings such as 'Giant Garden Gnome', 'Dolly the Dinosaur', 'Llarry the Llama', 'MaxisMan Statue' and 'The World's Largest Ball of Twine'. I suppose we can thank God that there's no phallic monument to Oral-B included, which makes this better in one way at least to the Nissan Leaf Charging Station content pack for the game, which slapped Nissan logos all over the in-game building.
Honestly, this is pretty ridiculous, leaving a toothpaste tube shaped hole where Maxis' soul used to be located. Maybe a better way of giving people this content would be, you know, a free update or something. Especially since the five tourist buildings aren't anything special and don't add much to the game. Either way, if you were planning on buying some Oral-B products and live in the US, then I guess look forward to your Attraction Set.