Sequel From The Machine
Deus Ex Machina, not to be confused with the slightly better known Deus Ex, was a 1984 ZX Spectrum game that pushed the boundaries of interactive storytelling, taking you from conception to your final breath, and came as a complete multimedia experience - complete with an accompanying tape for the rock music and narration. While it never achieved massive levels of success, it got a strong underground following, and now much of the original team has come back together to Kickstart a reimagining/sequel. Featuring the voices of Christopher Lee, Chris Madin, Joaquim de Almeida, and the late Ian Dury - whose voice work from the original game has been spruced up and reused - as well as a freaking trippy vibe (seriously, watch the video), it looks like Deus Ex Machina 2 is something to be watching, and possibly contributing to.