Seasons after Fall Trailer Falls Out
SwingSwing Submarine, developers of Blocks that Matter and Tetrobot and Co., as well as the flash Super Mario Bros and Tetris crossover, Tuper Tario Tros, have released a trailer for their latest game, Seasons after Fall. Which, from the looks of it, is an artsy indie platformer (Boy, if I had a nickle for every time I had to type those three words) revolving around changing the seasons around to solve various puzzles. Normally, I'd be tempted to take this opportunity to talk about how "artsy indie platformers" are to Indie games what Call of Duty-esque games are to AAA games, but if you'd look back at my review of Tetrobot and Co. it was a good enough game to convince me to spare them from my paddle with the words "STOP MAKING SO MANY INDIE PLATFORMERS" written on it. Ultimately though, its art style seems to be pretty nice to look at and its music sounds fairly interesting so I'd say its definitely worth looking into when it hits consoles and PC in 2016.
Posted 17-01-2015, 01:58